all postcodes in M17 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M17 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M17 8AA 1 1 53.465709 -2.349829
M17 8AB 1 1 53.466638 -2.351856
M17 8AH 1 1 53.466116 -2.34911
M17 8AJ 1 1 53.46684 -2.350486
M17 8AP 31 18 53.466511 -2.349294
M17 8AN 1 1 53.466432 -2.348465
M17 8AR 41 22 53.466301 -2.349667
M17 8AT 1 1 53.467661 -2.352482
M17 8BA 1 1 53.465486 -2.346212
M17 8BB 1 1 53.464912 -2.345696
M17 8BD 1 1 53.464652 -2.345558
M17 8BL 31 20 53.465152 -2.346088
M17 8BN 39 26 53.465078 -2.346811
M17 8BR 1 1 53.464966 -2.345741
M17 8BS 1 1 53.464586 -2.346642
M17 8DA 1 1 53.466544 -2.347275
M17 8DD 5 5 53.468637 -2.365595
M17 8DF 17 13 53.465687 -2.348082
M17 8EB 1 1 53.465085 -2.347972
M17 8ED 1 1 53.466179 -2.349005